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May 5, 2006

RPM for Newbies

by @ 4:29 pm. Filed under Virus, Reviews, HowTo

I was in doubt about writing this article. There are several tutorials covering this topic but I want to try to write a simple article that shows the basis of rpm usage. So this is not an advanced tutorial but a document for the impatient and the people that performs simple operations with rpm.

RPM, the history

RPM is an acronym for Red Hat Package Manger. As the name said, it was developed by Red Hat, but nowadays it is used by many other distributions. In fact, RPM is part of the Linux Standard Base, an attempt of standardization in the Linux world. RPM can run under several platforms like AmigaOS, BeOS, Solaris and others.

There are other package managers. Debian uses .deb packages and Gentoo uses the portage, a clone of the FreeBSD ports collection. The last one is especially efficient when installing software from source code. And the .pbi attempt from the PC-BSD project is another interesting approach specially to solve the problem with dependencies.

It is possible that RPM is not the best package manager in the world (I hope nobody from Red Hat is reading this…) but it can be as efficient and easy as some of the above.

May 3, 2006

Smart formatting for better compatibility between OpenOffice.org and Microsoft Office

by @ 12:51 pm. Filed under Virus, HowTo, Apllication/Software

I'm going to talk about the backbreaking labor of helping someone move and a seemingly unrelated topic, OpenOffice.org — Microsoft Office compatibility. The two word processors are actually surprisingly similar; this article will show how doing things through the program features, rather than manually, helps you create documents that convert better between office suites. Plus, formatting is a whole lot easier than moving your buddy's 54-inch TV up three flights of stairs.

Think about the last time you helped someone move.

The boxes were probably labeled something like Kitchen or Bathroom. That's normal, right? Makes sense. You picked up a box, figured out where the kitchen was, and put it somewhere in the kitchen.

The thing is, the word Kitchen by itself really isn't enough, out of context, to tell someone where to put a box. You need to use your brain and eyes to enter the house, and you need to use your knowledge of what a kitchen looks like in order to know where to put the box. This is, of course, not difficult to do. I'm just pointing out that there's some interpretation going on, and the interpretation works well. The word Kitchen is not an absolute description of exactly where to put the box.

The instructions don't say, "Go in the door 12.5 feet, turn right, go nine feet, put box on a level surface 32 inches above floor." The boxes don't usually say any thing as specific as, "Second drawer from the right." Each spatula isn't labeled something like, "Put this 1.5 inches from the left side of the second drawer from the right."

If the instructions did have explicit, detailed instructions for where to put each spatula, but the specified drawer was a little too small, then even if the instructions were good and you followed them accurately, you've still got spatulas spilling over onto the floor.

Basically, you just want to put the objects somewhere in the new house that makes sense, not adhere rigidly to rules that goof things up.

What this means for inter-Office-Suite compatibility

When you use very specific formatting like tabs to indent text and carriage returns to switch to the next line, it's like trying to control exactly where your spatulas are supposed to go in the new house. No two office suites are alike, and the more manual, highly controlled items you have in your document, the more likely the formatting will get messy when you go from one office suite to another. But if you use the formatting capabilities to indent and add spacing–well, that's more like just labeling a box Kitchen and putting the box somewhere that makes sense.

The formatting tips in this article will also give you more professional-looking documents that are easier to update when the content or formatting rules change.

Use formatting rather than carriage returns for spacing between paragraphs

Most people would agree that the first illustration looks bad, and the second one looks good.


Using ReiserFS with Linux

by @ 12:43 pm. Filed under Virus, HowTo

Take a look at the ext2 (second extended file system), ext3 (third extended file system), and Reiser4 file systems and discover how to create your own Reiser4 file system. The most commonly used file system, ext2, is a traditional UNIX®-style file system that doesn't mix well with modern hard drive sizes. The ext3 file system adds journalling, but not much else. If you want something really advanced, you might want to check out the current Reiser4 file system.

More on this from IBM 

April 11, 2006

Firefox Essentials: Fixing The Fox

by @ 12:28 am. Filed under Virus, Reviews, HowTo, Apllication/Software

One of the secrets to making any software work well is knowing what to do when it won't work at all. Firefox is no different: If you know how to isolate, identify, and cure the most common problems, you can get back to surfing without missing a beat.

But we'll get to that in a minute. The first step to avoiding trouble with Firefox is to keep it updated with the latest security patches and bug fixes. Thanks to a new auto-update feature in Firefox 1.5, keeping Firefox up to date is much quicker and easier than in earlier versions. You no longer have to reinstall the whole browser every time Mozilla releases a security patch or a minor bug-fix update.

Using the options you'll find under the Update tab in the Advanced section of the Firefox Options menu, you can configure Firefox to download and install approved Mozilla updates automatically, or (the default option) instruct the browser simply to tell you when updates are available. The auto-update feature will even check for updates to your Firefox extensions, themes, and search engine plugins.

Complete Article 

An Accelerated Introduction to Solaris 10

by @ 12:13 am. Filed under Virus, HowTo, Solaris/OpenSolaris

Times have changed. 10+ years ago most peoples first experience with UNIX was SunOS/Solaris. But thats changed, from about 1995 untill now the first UNIX experience is typically with Linux because of its popularity and easy availability. So now there are a huge number of *NIX experts and advanced users who are starting to look at Solaris but are feeling like n00bs again. Since Sun has made it open sourced, why not give this powerful OS a try …

Ben Rockwood has written a 2 part "Accelerated Introduction to Solaris 10" that you really ought to peruse if you're thinking about playing with the new Solaris. Read Part 1 and then mosey on over to Part 2. You'll learn something, even if you never play to actually use Solaris, and that's always a good thing.

Graphical vi/vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial

by @ 12:03 am. Filed under Virus, HowTo, Apllication/Software

This one is for the visual learners out there. I love vim, and have been using it for years, but I'm still learning new things about it all the time. For noobs to vim, the commands and so on can be a bit … overwhelming, shall we say.

Here's a neat way to learn vim: the "Graphical vi/vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial". These are a fantastic way to learn vim, or refresh your knowledge. Once you see them, you'll understand what I mean. These are pretty darn neat!