Netzwerk Systemberatung Administration
am happy to inform that updates for KDE 3.5.2 are slowly reaching repository for SUSE 10.1.
If you have not yet set up your Yast repository, then simply add the following address:
Protocol: HTTP
For 64bit:
For 32bit:
It will be a good idea to later to use mirrors for the above mentioned repository links, which can be found at website, once uploaded to servers.
The current list of my x86_64 repositories:
P.S. Check out the Most Annoying Bugs section for 10.1.
Until KDE 3.5, when a KDE release was frozen in preparation to be released, new features, and new user-visible text (strings) were not allowed in the later releases in the series, in order to make sure that no new bugs were introduced and no translations were broken. For KDE 3.5 this has been changed slightly.
Since the KDE 4.0 development cycle will take longer than usual due to the scope of the changes and improvements being undertaken, the developers want KDE 3.5.x to be the best possible KDE for users in the meantime. Therefore, KDE 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 not only fixed a lot of bugs (see 3.5.1-fixes and 3.5.2-fixes), but the developers were also allowed to change some strings in KDE so that many usability-improvements and updates in documentation found their way into KDE 3.5.x.
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