Netzwerk Systemberatung Administration
am happy to inform that updates for KDE 3.5.2 are slowly reaching repository for SUSE 10.1.
If you have not yet set up your Yast repository, then simply add the following address:
Protocol: HTTP
For 64bit:
For 32bit:
It will be a good idea to later to use mirrors for the above mentioned repository links, which can be found at website, once uploaded to servers.
The current list of my x86_64 repositories:
P.S. Check out the Most Annoying Bugs section for 10.1.
I installed SUSE Linux 10.1 just to realize that my wireless card, which is Asus WL-130g PCI, supporting 802.11b/g, is not functioning. The card is based on Ralink's RT2500 chip. Then I noticed in release notes that the driver is not included. By saying not included, I mean that openSUSE team decided that the current drivers are unstable with the latest supplied kernel, and removed it from there. Same is true with Atheros based cards.
Here is a statement from Release Notes:
The following kernel module package was changed internally:
Various drivers for wireless LAN cards. The madwifi driver for Atheros WLAN cards was removed.For technical reasons, it was necessary to drop support for Ralink WLAN cards. The old driver no longer works with kernel version 2.6.16 and the new version is not yet stable enough. We intend to release an update as soon as the new version is stable enough.
I was very upset as I really needed the card to function, which is installed on desktop, to have access to internet from notebook and other wireless devices, as my desktop also functions as router. The next was to compile drivers manually. As I was thinking of this I remembered all the trouble that I had to go with SUSE 9.1 to make this card work, as compiling the driver was giving me headache. But to my surprise all went very smooth and very easy.
Many are having the same problem, which can be noticed from SUSE related forums. To make things easier for everybody I deicied to write a walktrgough.
As usual, you will need to make sure that following are installed: kernel-source, gcc and make
1. Download the latest CVS for RT2500 based WiFi cards from here (right click -> save)
2. Once downloaded extract the file.
3. Now we need to compile a module for the wireless card that we have. Go to folder where you extracted the archive. Open folder called "Module" and execute the following command:
~> make
Here comes some great reviews on SUSE 10.1. Surely there will be more to come in coming days, so get ready for SUSE weeks. So, for now here is first review and a good one.
The first thing I saw was an animated screen with a nice SUSE Linux 10.1 logo in the center, a blue background picture and the word "welcome" written in Japanese, English, German, Italian, Czech, French, Spanish and Chinese coming from the sides. I was beautiful and I immediately felt very impressed!
Continue Reading
Few more reviews:
Got my SUSE Linux 10.1 up and runnin and already enjoying, though still got to go through all the customization. I will probably post a review on my experience with SUSE 10.1. But one thing for sure, the ATI drivers gave me a little kick, before I came up with these instructions, that I hope will work on most of the computers. Remember that I was trying to install these drivers as to later be able to install and launch Xgl/Compiz on desktop.
This time I decided to make the howto with more pics, thinking that maybe this way it will be easier for you guys to understand what is going on. At least I tried my best, well nearly. Here we go.
As of writing this I am running SUSE Linux 10.1 (maybe you already forgot), x86_64 platform (AMD64), with my ATI Radeon X800 series PCI-E interface on DFI nForce4 Ultra based motherboard. The latest driver version is 8.24.8
Once again there are prerequisites before you begin installing the drivers. You will need to have the following installed. All these can be found on your SUSE 10.1 CDs or DVD, unless by the time you will be reading this post and already there are online updates available for these packages, via Yast/Apt/Yum repositories. The packages are:
1. kernel-source 2.gcc 3. make
Info for n00b or rather newbies: When you see "~>" bfore command, that means execute it as user, and when you see "#", you have to be root (by typing "su" and supplying the password when asked). No disrespect … :-]
Once the above mentioned packages are installed, let's prepare the kernel modules (not necessary, but no harm in doing so). Execute the following commands (as root):
# cd /usr/src/linux
# make mrproper
# make cloneconfig
# make modules_prepare
and one last command to clean the kernel source:
# make clean
Also, if you have tried installing drivers before, let's remove them properly by executing the command:
# rpm -e $(rpm -qa | grep fglrx)
Now to installing drivers. From the following screenshot you can clearly see that when a fresh copy of SUSE 10.1 is installed, OpenGL rendering is supported by MESA supplied drivers. Basically, when you see MESA - that means the ATI drivers are not up and running. This can be found by running either of the commands: glxinfo or fglrxinfo (as user, not root)